In order for you to become a patient, we need your consent to provide you with care. We also need you to acknowledge that we have provided you with certain important information and documents. If you have any questions about any of this information or need help completing this form, please do not hesitate to ask a member of our staff. It is important to us that you feel comfortable with all of this information. By signing, you are indicating that you understand the information, have been given a chance to ask questions, and are giving your consent.
I voluntarily agree to receive services from BACHC and authorize the providers of BACHC to provide such care, treatment, or services as are considered necessary and advisable for me. I understand that I should participate in the planning for my care and that I have a right to refuse interventions, treatment, care, services, or medications at any time to the extent the law allows. I know that the care I will receive may include tests, injections, and other medications, etc., that are based on established medical criteria, but not free of risk. Finally, I know that BACHC sometimes has students/residents being trained as doctors, nurses, therapists, and other health care providers who might be helping to care for me. These students are under the supervision of licensed providers.
I understand that BACHC is committed to involving me in my care and that no one can be given care atBACHC without agreeing to the care unless there is an emergency. If there is an emergency, I know that someone at BACHC may help me without waiting for me to say okay. I understand that some services require me to sign another Informed Consent to Treatment, so I may be asked to complete that later.
I have been given a copy of BACHC’s Notice of Privacy Practices and I understand that BACHC is required by law to protect my personal health information. I have had the chance to ask questions about BACHC’s Notice of Privacy Practices and feel comfortable with the protections that it offers me. I understand that there are times when the law allows my personal health information to be shared with individuals or entities outside of BACHC, including but not limited to for treatment, payment, and operations purposes, when required by law, and in connection with the mandatory reporting of certain diseases.
BACHC offers a wide variety of services to its clients. I understand that in order for me to get the best service for my needs, programs within BACHC may share information concerning my health to ensure the quality and continuity of my care across service areas.
I understand thatBACHCparticipatesin certain health information exchanges with other hospitals and health centers located in the Antelope Valley and surrounding areas. Your health information may be shared with these exchanges to provide faster access, better coordination of care, and to assist providers and public health officials in making more informed decisions. Please notify BACHC if you wish to “opt-out” and disable access to your health information, except to the extent that disclosure of such information is permitted or mandated by law.
I have been given a copy of the BACHC Patient Rights and Responsibilities document and understand that both the Rights and the Responsibilities laid out in that document must govern my interactions at BACHC. I also understand that BACHC and I are responsible for adhering to the Rights and Responsibilities. I understand that I have a right to file a complaint or grievance withBACHC, as described inBACHC’s Patient Handbook. The Patient Handbook contains information about being a patient at BACHC, including services that BACHC offers, hours of operation, and contact information for services.
I know that BACHC needs to send parts of my personal health information to organizations that help pay for my care, such as my insurance company or an organization that grants money to BACHC. I allow BACHC to release the relevant parts of my records so that my care can be paid for. If I do not feel comfortable with this, then I understand that I can request a higher level of privacy protection than is afforded to me under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA).
I understand that BACHC offers a Sliding Fee Scale of discounted or free health care items and services to individuals who are deemed unable to pay
based on their level of income. In order to be eligible for BACHC’s Sliding Fee Scale of discounted or free services, I will need to provide BACHC’s
Client Services team with documents establishing that I meet income eligibility requirements. If I do not provide the required documents to BACHC, I
am responsible for paying my fees for medical and behavioral health at BACHC in full at the time of service